Steve Cole Books Wiki

The Unknown Carnivore[]


General Loki?

Do you think that I should go ahead and say that it's General Loki for sure? It has an eye patch like he does and its hide is a similar color. It also has stripes on the jaw like him, and said jaw has visible scars on it. Please write back and ask me what you think! ~~Dasta Fan 6~~

It may be, but it could just be any other raptor. Don't comfirm the fact until further details are released. Starter's Slitheen

I have found out that 'The Unknown Carnivore' is General Loki. I found this out by going on youtube, typed in 'Astrosaurs', then clicked on 'Steve Cole reads The Dreams of Dread' and I once got the book and sneaked a peaked at the cards. Also, the Sabre-toothed bananas' card says they came from Gipsy's head, but I thought it was Teggs who had the Sabre-toothed banana dream. Don't mess with me please! ~~Arx Fan 5~~
